Plogging. (Did I use this title already…?)

Photo on 3-13-13 at 1.31 PMSo things are going quite well over here in the plum world.  We should be finishing filming on a few days, which is nuts.  It feels like just yesterday I was talking to Mr. Alan about the possibility of being on this movie.  After talking to Mr. Alan

its become apparent that we will have one of the first two due dates.  Does this scare us a little? Kind of.  Are we confident that we have enough tome to not only make this movie, but make it amazing? ABSOLUTELY.  Our biggest fear right now is how the music and video are going to blend.  Don’t get me wrong, were beyond confident in our music man, Chris Nee.  Were just kind of beating ourselves up because we didn’t polish off these scenes and give them to him earlier.

Yesterday we shot a particularly funny scene.  This scene takes place in daybreak and was originally a funny one to begin with.  Elias is unhappy about the lack of jelly in his donuts so he takes out a jelly packet to add more.  Much to our surprise, we were unable to get jelly packets.  In a pinch, I bought 2 jelly donuts.  We emptied the jelly from one into a container and began filming.  That when we realized that we had no silverware… Therefore, we Elias had to scoop up the jelly with his fingers and smear is all over the donut himself.  Hilarious.  What a trooper.  This blog goes out to Elias for doing anything we ask him to.  You go Elias.

We got a bigger scene today, which were all excited about.  We’re going over to Plimpton for our big finish.  Mr. Connor, Elias, Ethan, and a surplus of Cronies.  This is the third time we’ve tried to schedule, each time we’ve run into some sort of issue.  And by “some sort of issue” I mean Elias was absent or forgot to show up… So we’re plaining to chin him down until its time to film.  He’s not going anywhere.  We’re off to film.  Must be a Plum thing.


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